Wednesday, November 28, 2001

'Cops' is TV's holiday gift for action fans If you haven't noticed yet, TV has entered that holiday period where sweeps are a distant memory and the schedule is chock-full of bland holiday offerings and reruns. There's only one alternative during this respite: Gorge yourself on "Cops."
Lord, that's a great show. It's funny how you never get tired of seeing desperate people climb over a series of backyard fences, lit by a helicopter spotlight. Now that says "holidays."

Friday, August 17, 2001

Ecstasy Saves The World
Pot, MDMA, and too damn many happy people

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist Wednesday, August 15, 2001

What would be really just randomly fabulous is if the UC Santa Barbara would suddenly buck the trend and find some progressive moral fiber and discover a sudden impulse of commonsense justice and just up and decide to go to court and defend its recently arrested pot-growin' professor.

You know, that religious-studies prof and her husband who were recently busted for growing upwards of 58 pot plants in their home and are accused of, well, growing 58 pot plants in their home that you can potentially dry and smoke and then feel all funny and warm afterwards, similar to alcohol but not nearly as dangerous or addictive or famously violence-provoking but which for some reason is still illegal.

And wouldn't it be wondrous indeed if institutions like UCSB would begin to disregard what I imagine must be a relatively antediluvian policy regarding employees caught with benign herbs, a policy which I'm sure forces them to issue a reprimand and an official statement and a disapproving scowl, and instead bail out the professor and openly declare to all the world that pot busts like this one are ridiculous and pointless and arbitrary and ultimately insulting?

Thus reinforcing what most of us already know: That while marijuana ain't exactly health food, no one but the most uninformed or panicky anti-drug zealot actually thinks it's genuinely dangerous to the public at large anymore, really, especially in harmless gilded little towns like Santa Barbara, especially not when compared with the demons of alcohol or television or unchecked Republicanism.
I just love the bit about 'unchecked Republicanism'. That's really the thing we need to be afraid of. Enjoy.

Thursday, June 14, 2001

The famous 'face on Mars' was debunked by NASA as a trick of light and shadows. I bought it back then. Seemed like the most plausible explanation. Now I'm beginning to wonder. Why? Because I've recently been make aware of SEVERAL other anomalies in the SAME AREA of the 'face'. A five sided pyramid and a fortress like structure within fifteen miles of the 'face'. Might just be more wild ass speculation, but I'd like to see NASA focus a little more attention on this area. Here's the pics. What do you think?
Overview of area:




Tuesday, April 24, 2001

Sun-Sentinel: County Administrator Roger Desjarlais said the library has had no masturbation problem.
Hmmmm? Since when was it a problem anyway?

Friday, April 13, 2001

Tough Old Broads Messages How many do you remember?
01. Candy cigarettes
02. Wax coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water inside.
03. Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles.
04. Coffee shops with tableside juke boxes
05. Blackjack, Clove and Teaberry chewing gum
06. Home milk delivery in glass bottles, with Cardboard stoppers.
07. Party lines.
08. Newsreels before the movie.
09. P. F. Flyers
10. Butch wax
11. Telephone numbers with a word prefix ... (Drexel-5505)
12. Peashooters.
13. Howdy Doody
14. 45 RPM Records
15. Green Stamps
16. Hi-fi's
17. Metal ice cube trays, with levers
18. Mimeograph paper
19. Blue flash Bulbs
20. Beanie and Cecil
21. roller skate keys
22. Cork pop guns
23. Drive ins
24. Studebakers
25.. Wash tub wringers
26. The Fuller Brush man
27. Reel-to-reel tape recorders
28. Tinkertoys
29. The Erector Set
30. The Fort Apache Playset
31. Lincoln Logs
32. 15 cent McDonald hamburgers
33. 5 cent packs of baseball cards...with that awful pink slab of
34. Penny candy
35. 35 cent-a-gallon gasoline
My answer. Way too many.

Thursday, January 11, 2001

The Straight Dope Mailbag: The Straight Dope Mailbag: Was the Apollo moon landing a hoax? There have been several books written to promote this claim, and more articles. There was even a movie with a similar plot, Capricorn One, starring O.J. Simpson, among others (1977). The difference was that in the movie, the fake landing was for Mars, not the moon. One group of flat-Earthers actually claims O.J. was framed by the government for exposing the fake moon landings through his part in this movie!
Now you know the real reason behind the OJ murder. Just another example of The Tim Times leaving no stone unturned in the search for the truth.

Wednesday, January 10, 2001

FEED: IDÉE FIXE: Portrait Of The Blogger As A Young Man JORN BARGER IS A COLLECTOR, of a sort -- though you wouldn’t know what sort, exactly, from gazing on his worldly possession

Here's an article that explains the roots of blogging. We'll see what the future holds as this technology matures.
I'm happy to report that everything is up and running. It's taken twenty four hours of spare time to put together. I've got to confess that I've been forced into the ocean of HTML. I'm only ankle deep, but I can see the sharks from where I'm standing. Keep the lifeguard focused.
I'm goint to see if I can get this blog up and running today. I forgot to go back to the discussion forum and check on the status of the new server upgrades, but I'm betting whatever was hosed last night is straightened out by now.

Tuesday, January 09, 2001

Well I'm off to Blogger Heaven or Blogger Hell whatever the case may be. I've decided this will be the engine that drives the delivery of my latest round of content and also get incorporated into my website restructuring (which is an ongoing and neverending process lol). The more I work with these WYSIWYG workarounds, the more it makes me want to tackle the syntax of the actual HTML. I have resisted all temptation to return to my programming roots. I say leave the geek work to the geeks. I've got an image to protect.

I've had problems posting this since the server was upgraded. I went to the Blog bulleting boards and it was nice to see that other people were having the same trouble and that the management is actually responding.